Indie Author Spotlight: Dr. Melissa Dymond

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All too often, I believe there’s a stigma associated with indie authors. After all, traditional publishing has put a certain vision in readers’ heads about what success and storytelling look like. Despite this, there are indie authors writing voraciously every day, setting new standards, and capturing the hearts of readers.

Nobody knows heart quite like Dr. Melissa Dymond, author of Holiday Star and the upcoming Paging Dr. Hart. Now, this best selling author doesn’t just write medical romance… she lives it! Melissa lives with her doctor husband, three sons, and one adorable Siberian Husky. To learn more about her own story, I chatted with Melissa about her books, how she fell into this line of work, and the importance of writing what you know.

Black and white image of Dr. Melissa Dymond
Photo courtesy of Melissa Dymond.

Nikki: Thank you for chatting with me, Melissa! I can’t wait to hear your story. So, you’re a doctor and writer. Did you always know you’d be doing this when you grew up?

Melissa: I always wanted to be a doctor. I was set on it from age seven, and everything I did going forward was to achieve that goal. What I didn’t tell anyone was that I also had a secret dream to write. Even my husband was surprised when I started writing in earnest a couple of years ago!

(laughing) That’s too funny! And you’re self-published, right?

I’m a proud self-published indie author. Being an indie author gives me absolute control over my author business, which I love. I can write what I want, when I want. I choose what editors, cover designers, and marketers to work with. I can do cover reveals or giveaways without asking permission. At this point in my career, I appreciate having that level of freedom.

I totally get it! I’m a marketer at the day job, so the idea of giving up control of my brand daunted me. That’s why I ultimately decided to self-publish. So, tell me about your books! What can readers expect from you?

They say write what you know, so my main female characters are all doctors.

My debut novel, Holiday Star, is a celebrity romance between a female doctor, Gwen, and a male movie star, Caleb. Gwen is house sitting for her mom in LA when Caleb decides to hide out in that same house. With time, sparks fly and they begin a relationship. Eventually, reality and the paparazzi intrude and their happy bubble bursts. They have to figure out how to work on both themselves and their relationship if they want to make things work.

My next book, Paging Dr. Hart, releases on June 17, 2024. It’s a medical romance with suspense. The main female character, Tiffany Hart, has a dark and dangerous past. She’s closed off her heart to the point where she is known as the “ice queen” in her hospital. She has to train a hot new doctor Ethan Clark. Initially, he rubs her the wrong way but when they have to travel together and live together for work, they form a friendship that turns into something more. Tiffany’s past eventually catches up to them and threatens not just their love, but their very lives.

Oh, that’s fascinating! I definitely want to know more about this dark and dangerous past that’s catching up to her. It sounds like writing romance was a natural fit for you. Are you also a reader of romance?

I adore romance, specifically steamy contemporary romance. Most of my reading is romance, with some romantasy mixed in. The process of falling in love is so magical that I enjoy reliving it again and again through books.

Even though I prefer spicy romance, many of my friends don’t. When I publish my novels, I offer them in two versions: a spicy version and a sweet version with kissing only. That way all of my readers can feel comfortable!

That is so thoughtful! I feel like that’s the mother in you coming out, wanting to curate a space for everyone. I really love that. Speaking of mommin’, how do you find time to write with three boys running around?

I write most often in bed after all my kids have gone to sleep. My three boys are ages 4, 11, and 13. They keep me running all day. Once it’s dark and everyone is in bed, I write with only the glow of the computer screen to light up the room. It’s a nice quiet time where my brain can focus on the characters. I get lost in their world and hours pass so quickly that I’ll often look up and be surprised to see it’s 2 a.m. Needless to say, I’m tired most days, but I do it to myself. (laughing)

I’m tired just thinking about that! I’m guessing it’s safe to say you’re a night owl, then?

I’m a night person. So much that when I first started working as a doctor, I voluntarily took a nightshift job where I worked from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. I didn’t mind the hours back then, although now that I’m older it doesn’t sound as appealing!

That’s quite the shift! I am so impressed with you right now, wow. You must be living on iced white chocolate mochas! Now, I know your work as a doctor has influenced your stories. What else has had an impact? Does your hometown ever inspire you?

All of my stories settings so far are places that I know well. I’ve set my books in California, where I grew up. In Ohio, where I did my medical training. In New York, which I’ve visited frequently. And last but not least in Disney World, which is one of my most favorite places to vacation. I’m a huge Disney fan!

That is so cool! As an Ohioan, I love to see that local representation, especially because I have family members and friends working for local hospitals. It really brings your stories close to home. Speaking of stories… Are you willing to share how many unfinished manuscripts you have floating around?

This is embarrassing. I have three that are partly written and I don’t know if they will ever be finished. When I get an idea I usually have to write it down as quickly as possible. If I wait too long I lose passion for the project, which is sad because I feel like I let those characters down. They had a story to tell and I didn’t let them tell it. We will see, I always think I’ll get back to them someday…

Aw, I’m sure you will! My debut novel was actually one of those. I started it in 2011, and it was just like an ideation scribble document for the longest time. It ended up sitting on the backburner until 2019, when I finally set out to finish it. I always tell aspiring authors that it’s okay to let those ideas kick around and mature for a while, because I feel like there’s a time and place to tell a story, and it just might not be right now. That’s totally okay.

With all that being said, do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

My advice for aspiring writers is to begin building a fan base the minute you start writing. Don’t wait until you publish. Start social media now. Start a newsletter now. Talk about your journey to publication. This way, when you launch your book, there will be readers eagerly waiting for it.

That’s great advice! On the other side of the communication spectrum, do you ever hear from your readers? What kind of feedback have they given you?

My book, Holiday Star, has a subplot where the main character’s father died of colon cancer at age 45, when the character was in high school. The character struggles with her grief over losing her dad and eventually goes to a grief counselor. I give 10% of that books profit to charities that fund colon cancer research. I’ve been touched because several readers have reached out to say they had similar experiences with losing their parents to colon cancer when they were young. They said that reading the book helped them process their grief. Touching people’s lives like that with my story is beyond anything I could have imagined. It reminds me what a privilege it is to have readers take the time to read my books and how meaningful words, written or spoken, can be.

Oh my gosh, touching people in that way is pure magic. And I love that you’re giving some of the proceeds to charity, it really makes your book that much more special. I just have one more question for you, Melissa. How do you as an author feel about your characters?

I am absolutely obsessed with my characters. They live rent free in my head every single day. They are always having conversations in the back of my mind. They have this annoying habit of saying the funniest things when I’m in the shower or driving and I can’t write them down. I adore all of them.

I love that, and I can’t wait to get to know all of them! Thank you again for sharing your story with us. I can’t wait for Paging Dr. Hart to come out this summer!

Dr. Melissa Dymond has a way with words and worldbuilding, so you’ll want to follow her author journey. Connect with her on Goodreads or Instagram to stay up-to-date on her latest endeavors and to keep the debut of Paging Dr. Hart on your radar.

Want to learn more about other indie authors to know? Keep an eye on my Indie Author Spotlight Series for more.

Published by Nikki

I'm literally just a writer, guys.

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